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Client Testimonials





Notes from family


Just a line to say thank you for providing Susan with another successful holiday to the Norfolk Broads. She’s had a super time and we think you’re very brave to take her canoeing!! She also enjoyed the visit to the greyhound racing. Your organisation has made it possible for Susan to have a holiday away like everyone else and come back refreshed and excited about new experiences. Again, thanks for the care you take of Susan and we look forward to booking for another experience for her next year.

Norfolk Broads & Seaside




We are writing to thank you for Emma’s holiday at Butlins. Since getting back she hasn’t stopped talking about it and has said she will like to go on another one. Emma was really pleased to receive your letter and disc etc. We enjoyed watching it on the blog. Thank you again. Pat and Dave

Butlins, Fun & Disco




Thank you from David for the wonderful holiday to the Isle of Wight. He had a marvellous time and loved every minute of it. Big thank you to Colin and Pat for making it so great. David is now looking forward to next year. I would recommend you to anyone for the care and attention to everything. Once again thank you. Mrs K

Out & About on the Isle of Wight




Notes from members of the public


Mike here, (in a wheelchair) on the adjacent table to you at Warners IOW over Xmas. We, (Mike, Kathy, Sue & Rob) would like to thank you and your clients for giving us lots of laughs and fun over the holiday. We were very impressed with the service that you provide and will have no hesitation what-so-ever in recommending your company to others for assisted holidays. For me, having been a paraplegic in a wheelchair for the best part of 50 years, it was a delight to see your clients being so well looked after and cared for. It must be an enormous and tiring responsibility to provide such excellent 24/7 care whilst keeping everyone calm, happy and contented. Mike




Typical notes from happy holiday makers.


I had a nice time on holiday. Thank you for your help and support on making my first holiday special. Look forward to having a holiday with you again. Love Elizabeth

Spanish Coast and Portaventura




Thank you for my lovely holiday. I had a really good time and the photos were a lovely surprise. I’m looking forward to booking again next year. Jason

Cycling in Holland




Thank you for a beautiful holiday and making new friends. I really enjoyed every minute and going greyhound racing and stock car racing and steam train and meeting Derek again. I would like to meet up again another year and stay in touch with our friends again. I would like that to come again next year 2012. Love from Susan

Norfolk Broads & Seaside




Thank you very much for everything. Very grateful to celebrate Christmas with all of you. Very kind of you. The atmosphere bright up my day and morning. I am going again next year. Love Marilyn and Andrew

Christmas on the Isle of Wight




Thank you for the wonderful holiday and the support you gave. Love Roy

Christmas on the Isle of Wight




Thank you so much for taking me to Florida. I had a wonderful time there and it was lovely being with you. I hope we will meet again on another holiday. Love Jason

Florida, Swim with Dolphins




I always have fun on your holidays. Karen

New Year’s Party on the Isle of Wight




Thank you for a lovely holiday that I and probably others enjoyed. It makes a change to be told that I look healthy and happy since the holiday. Good luck and thank you all. Teresa

Mid-Summer Delight




Thank you for the best holiday at Mine Head Butlins. It was nice of you both to take us there for our holiday. The shows were good at night. I liked the Redcoats and the ten-pin bowling, penny machines and cable cars. Can’t wait for the next holiday. Love Jacqueline

Butlins, Fun & Disco




Visit our BLOG to see pictures of happy customers from our previous holidays.


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